Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Drive through and get your Dragon Bag

So sitting late night in the Creative Studio, I have become very hungry. And I've finally determined my craving to be chinese food. And it occurs to me... why is there not yet a drive through late night Chinese Food business? The closest we've come is Panda Express with making it a quick chinese meal... but I've never heard of a chinese drive through. And why not? We can get hamburgers, mexican, italian, pizza, coffee, fried chicken, alcohol, icecream and more through drive throughs... why not yet chinese!!? It could not be much more difficult, especially with how Panda Express has been able to make it such a quick yet very delicious process.

I think I'll go into business. Would you like to be my partner or investor? Someday soon we can be on The Big Idea being glorified for our entrepreneurship. think about it....

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