Friday, October 26, 2007

colbert as pres

With a comedian running as president, what's next? And is he serious? Most think its just another comedic act. But, I think that he's really in it to expose the truth, or more so, the lies behind the candidates and their positioning. With no real intent to be elected, but with his strong backing and fan base, he may be extremely effective in bringing a whole new exposure to an election. He also would be a big pull for younger citizens to get involved with politics and educate themselves enough to vote. But, at the same time, if he takes votes away from honest (oh the irony) candidates, it could cause trouble. At the very least, it’s great exposure for Colbert. Some might take offense to his running, as an insult to the political system. I don’t really think it is something that one should get worked up about. He couldn’t do too much harm beyond bringing humor, pop culture and a little exposure of truth. He gets my laugh.

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