Tuesday, October 2, 2007

B Happy?

Throughout Dallas on the sides of the Freeways are Billboards that I cannot place what they are marketing. The billboards are solid Black with a White (or maybe yellow) block font that reads "B Happy" and there was also another that encouraged you to "B" something. Every time I see them I try to find an indication of what it represents, but we are driving past and still I do not understand. I've seen at least 3. I don't understand why a series of billboards would be purchased when the source does not come across. If you know what they are for, PLEASE help me out here.
This reminds me of very first reveal of cingular. As I recall, for a month or so at least, Cingular ran ads that never revealed it was a cell phone company. It would run a happy spot, then show the orange icon guy and maybe even say "raising the bar," but it wasn't until the Superbowl that they had a big reveal to show what cingular was actually a cell phone service provider.
Anyway, back to the billboards... let me know if you seen them or know anything about them!

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